isabelle   D e g e r m a n n


Artist and painter in Paris for thirty years, I also worked in Montmartre as a portraitist until 2000 to earn my living. At that time, I felt called to leave that life and search the Will of God, whereupon I began painting large canvasses inspired by the Bible and themed towards Israel. My first exhibition of these paintings was held in Geneva in the autumn of 2001, and followed by many others in Belgium, in France amaong Christian conventions and Jewish communities, in the United States (Florida) and in Israel.

In 1996, after ten years as a Christian, I left for the north of the United States to follow a series of seminars where I heard talk of Israel, of God's love and His promises to His people. I took my first trip to Israel in February of 1997 and during a visit to the Holocaust History Museum (Yad Vashem), my eyes where opened to my great hardness of heart and my incapacity to love as God wanted me to. My illusions fell just as my tears fell. I continue to receive a clear call to remain close to the Jewish people, to love them, bless them and console them. Not by my own strength, but by God's spirit (Zachariah 4). My first paintings are destined to all people, though my recent ones have a pressing message for the Jewish people : The ALYAH or the immigration of the chosen people from every corner of the globe to the land of ISRAEL.

God watches over His people, and He shall gather them in their land for all His promises shall come to pass. Struck by the urgency of this message I painted 5 canvasses that were exhibited - still wet - in Paris in 2005 during ALYAH day, and to the Jewish community in Montpellier.

I painted "The burning Earth" at my return from Jerusalem in February of 2006 after a 3-month break in Israel to learn Hebrew.

Since then, I exhibit my paintings at the Chartreuse de Valbonne in the Gard department, near Pont Saint Esprit. May the LORD touch hearts through these paintings inspired by Him for His glory.


The Chartreuse of Valbonne in the Gard